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Listeners say...
Listeners of this podcast consistently praise its ability to provide comfort, validation, and a sense of belonging. They appreciate the open and honest discussions about neurodiversity, and find the content to be both educational and empowering. Many reviewers emphasize the sense of relief they experience from hearing others share their experiences, and they commend the podcast for championing self-confidence and representation for those who identify as neurodiverse.
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Stories are Essential
What a great podcast! Catherine Asta is such a kind, thoughtful and knowledgeable host. The interviews are personal and incredibly helpful to those searching around their own or a loved ones’ autism journey. This podcast has been a lifeline for me.

Validating and life changing
The Late Discovered club has been a lifeline as I navigated a late in life autism discovery. I’ve learned so much about myself by hearing the stories of others. Thank you Catherine

Absolute adore the episodes!
Every episode is different and insightful. Catherine is a fantastic host and I particularly also loved the episode hosted by Kristina with Holly Smale. So joyful!

Shooting Star
Listening to Catherine has been one of the most calming experiences I’ve had for a very long time The podcast stands out amongst the noise and clutter of the podcast world. It’s helping me to recover making sense of my world and life, Thank you .

Inspiring, warm & insightful
I love hearing the stories - each and everyone resonates and helps me feel as if I am OK. I am a late discovered, at 55 and listening to others makes me feel as if I am not walking this path alone. I've always thought I didn't fit in, that something was different. Thank you so much for all that you do xx

One that resonates
I really enjoyed this podcast. Anita was very clear about her topic. Her voice is also sounded amazing and it made for easy listening. It definitely resonated with me.

So needed!
Brilliant. Hearing the voices of these women who have struggled their whole lives in the same ways as I have is emotional but also very encouraging and comforting. Thank you Catherine Asta and all the women who shared their stories.

Amazing insight
Thank you for all your hardwork in creating this podcast.

Excellent podcast
A friendly informative look at what it means to be a person who discovered later in life that everything they are is perfect as it is. And that even some of these differences have made extraordinary things possible.

Absolutely life changing
As a mother of 2 (maybe 3) neurodiverse kids my curiosity about my own neurodiversity led me to listen to these podcasts and they’re truly life changing. The honesty of the interviewed women puts the jigsaw pieces into place. Thank you.

Such an important, and also brilliant, podcast. Giving autistic women a voice and a place to share their experiences, which must not only be cathartic but also helps those on their own discovery journey. Part of the change that needs to happen where neuro-affirming and lived experience voices become the dominant ones for anyone seeking information about neurodiversity.

Unbelievable relief knowing I’m not an alien or alone.
I have only just come across this podcast and Insta account and I am so thankful they exist. I had my lightbulb moment about a year ago and have be researching my socks off. I have my official assessment in January and I am very nervous! Hearing the 1st ep of the 1st series it’s like listening to me tell my accounts of my experiences. It is so unbelievably relieving to hear that many, many other females have gone through the struggles I have and coped this long wondering why I am like this. Thank you so much.

Brilliant. Catherine has a such an easy speaking voice and I like the structure of the Podcasts. Not to mention the roster of inspirational and brave guests.

Hugely recommend
This podcast is helping me so much through my own discovery process, it's so helpful to hear real stories of women and be able to relate my experiences somewhere. Thank you!!!

Just what I needed to hear today
Another insightful and affirming episode. Thank you!

So validating!
I am a few days into making sense of my diagnosis as an autistic woman aged 40. I have been bingeing the podcast and feel so seen. Thank you for making this amazing resource. I feel part of a community at a time that it would be very easy to feel isolated.

Powerful tool for autistic self discovery
I’ve listened to five of these episodes now and each is like a mini therapy session, hearing another’s inner experience helps me name my own. Every episode, no matter how different I think the interviewee is to me, there are moments of their story which unlock my own memories, bits I squished down as uncomfortable and weird and not fitting in, these jolts from the past both strengthen my conviction that I too am autistic (rather than feeling self doubt, that I’m making it all up for some unknown but probably awful reason) and allow me to take another step away from shame to compassion and liking of myself. Incredibly powerful. Thank you.

Championing Self Confidence
This podcast is amazingly validating, informative, compassionate, and entertaining. Catherine is a fantastic host and she brings forward a diverse range of voices to present autistic perspectives that are so often dismissed. This podcast has been very valuable in inspiring my own self reflection processes and in learning how to advocate for myself and others. I also love the music!!

You are going to be a facilitator for autism training in the NHS. Hooray! This is desperately needed. Particularly the Eating Disorder services, but also late diagnosed females who have been misdiagnosed and overmedicated for years. Mammoth task, but every connection made is progress. Good luck and look after yourself in the process. Keep getting the message out which empowers others to speak up too. Thank you!

Just like me!
I really relate, Laura. I work in SEN support and only recently when seeking an assessment for my daughter, a trusted friend said ‘you’re autistic you know’. At 52 now hoping for a chance to live authentically outside work as well as at work!

This speaks to me
So true, shame has held me back. Sense of brokenness and inadequacy and low self-esteem has caused me to leave/ lose senior job roles. Now work for myself and need to work on myself - that is on who I am and that I am deserving to ask for what I need, and to be happy. Thank you.

Must listen
Really well articulated podcast episode regarding the right to workplace adjustments.

Life affirming.
I think life changing and affirming are accurate descriptions of this podcast. The lack of female voices when I first discovered I was autistic was very isolating and led to continued self doubt. Hearing so many female voices with very similar experiences and challenges has changed all that. I’m really grateful to Catherine for creating this amazing community and shining a light on my own late discovered story.

An interesting listen…not just for ND people!
I found this podcast recently- I find it a really good format and Catherine’s interview style is gentle yet probing. The variety of guests from different places, professional backgrounds etc has given me something to think about after every episode.

A brilliant podcast.
As someone who has grown up always feeling different, even after being diagnosed as an adult (after years of misdiagnosis) I’ve still felt like the odd one out, in my own little ‘odd bubble’, this series has made me realise that not the only one and I’ve never related so much to both Catherine and her guests. Highly recommend

Impactful & important ❤️
I’m so happy to have discovered this podcast! As a late diagnosed autistic woman listening to this podcast has proved invaluable on my journey to self understanding. Recommending to family and friends!

A must listen!
As a late discovered autistic person myself, I found this so touching. Relatable, comforting and inspiring! Every story matters and every action can make a difference. Thanks Catherine xx

Representation matters!
I love listening to this podcast. Catharine has a very soothing voice, easy to listen to. So far I have loved the guests and especially also want to say thanks for also having woman of colour on! I am late discovered (37) and a woman of colour. Representation matters so much. Glad to see different women on the spectrum

Such a powerful and life affirming podcast that helps late discovered women feel seen.
Each episode is powerful and resonates in some way. Each episode helps me feel more comfortable and at peace in my own skin. Thank you for these wonderful conversations that help women feel seen, heard and valued.

A great source of validation and comfort
As a late diagnosed autistic woman with ADHD (at age 47) I’m so grateful to hear other ladies who so succinctly describe this feeling of being different from others within, and being on a forever quest to find out why that is. I love the radical and bold idea of openly and unapologetically accommodating for oneself while learning self-compassion. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I’ve just shared the first ep with my mum who’s 72 and she’s suddenly realising she’s also autistic.